Dr Sunita V Malladi is a practicing Consultant Radiologist at MITR Hospital Kharghar. She brings with her an experience of 20 years of practice in various aspects of radiology. Currently at MITR, she offers her services in performing all types of ultrasound studies including routines sonographies like Abdomen, Pelvis, KUB, Breast, Neck, Scrotum, Local parts and also specialized studies like Venous and Arterial Dopplers of different areas of body. Her expertise includes Fetal/ Obstetric ultrasound for which she has undergone intensive training through ScholarMD fetal medicine training program.
Her areas of interest encompass pelvic and breast ultrasound. She's adept at performing and interpreting 3D Transvaginal (TVS) and Transrectal (TRUS) ultrasounds. She has rich experience in performing pediatric ultrasound especially challenging cases of pediatric urology and urogenital problems. She's also involved in Ultrasound guided procedures like FNAC, Biopsies, Aspirations including TRUS guided biopsy of prostate which are conducted regularly at MITR. Besides reporting X-rays accurately, she's proficient in conducting and reporting various X-Ray procedures like IVP, HSG, RGU and MCU as well.